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Semitic etymology :

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Total of 2923 records 147 pages

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Number: 2560
Proto-Semitic: *sa(y)k-at-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: field, meadow
Tigre: šeka, šekät 'field, meadow, valley' (LH, 222)
Number: 2561
Proto-Semitic: *ʕayŝx-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: bread, corn food
Hebrew: pB. ʕīsā 'started dough, quantity of flour used for one person's meal' (Ja. 1072), ʕăsāsīt 'pounded wheat or peas' (Ibid. 1098)
Tigre: ʕeš 'bread (of the Europeans)' (LH 481), ʕayyäša 'to nourish' (Ibid.)
Number: 2562
Number: 2563
Number: 2564
Proto-Semitic: *ŝaʕVr- 1; Eth. *ŝǝr(-n)ay- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: barley; grass, straw 1; wheat 2
Hebrew: ŝǝʕōrā 'the hairy, grainy kernel-fruit, barley' (HAL 1346)
Judaic Aramaic: sǝʕartā 'barley' (Ja. 1010)
Syrian Aramaic: sǝʕārǝtā 'hordeum' (Brock. 489)
Mandaic Aramaic: sara 'barley' (DM 315)
Arabic: cf. šuʕr- coll. 'plantes, arbres (tout ce qui constitue, pour ainsi dire, le poile du sol); safran', šaʕār- 'arbres touffus et entrelacés qui servent d'ombrage l'été et d'abri l'hiver; végétatoin' (BK I 1238)
Geʕez (Ethiopian): śāʕr 'herb, herbage, grass, vegetation, straw, meadow, grassland, pasture' (LGz. 525).
Tigre: saʕarsaʕaro 'green' (LH 194), säʕar 'grass, hay' (LH 194; šǝʕir 'barley' Ibid. 226 is likely an Arabism); šǝrnay, šǝnray 'wheat' (LGz., 534)
Amharic: sar 'grass (either green or dried)' (Kane 1990, 482) , sororro 'white ṭef' (Ibid. 486); sǝnde 'wheat' (LGz., 534)
Argobba: sǝrray 'wheat' (LGz., 534)
Gafat: sǝndä 'wheat' (LGz., 534)
Gurage: *saʔar 'grass' (LGur 530); *sǝre; Cha särimäsǝr 'green' ("like grass" LGur)
Mehri: ŝɛ̄r 'straw' (JM 370); cf. šǝʕīr (JM 391) 'barley', very likely an Arabism.
Jibbali: ŝáʕǝr 'dry grass, straw' (JJ 244); cf. šiʕír (JJ 259) 'barley', very likely an Arabism.
Soqotri: cf. šáʕir 'orge' (LS 420), very likely an Arabism.
Notes: Dolgopolsky explains -ʕ- as the result of contamination, after popular etymology, with Sem. *ŝaʕr- 'hair', which is quite plausible; an alternative explanation is the influence of *ŝi/uʕ(V̄ʕ)- 'barley'
Number: 2565
Proto-Semitic: *dVng(ʷ)- 1 ~ *dagan- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 1 - 'beans', 2 'corn, grain'
Ugaritic: dgn 'grano, trigo' (DLU, 130)
Phoenician: dgn 'corn, grain' (HAL, 214)
Hebrew: dāgān 'corn, grain' (HAL, 214)
Aramaic: Arm.-Eg. dgn 'corn, grain' (HAL, 214)
Soqotri: dengo 'haricots' (LS, 130).
Number: 2566
Proto-Semitic: *dVgVr-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: beans
Syrian Aramaic: dagr- (Cohen et al. 1970-, 222)
Arabic: diǯr-, daǯr-, duǯr- 'haricot'
Mehri: dǝgǝrät, pl. dugur (Cohen et al. 1970-, 222)
Jibbali: dǝgǝrät (Cohen et al. 1970-, 222)
Soqotri: dígir 'fèves' (Cohen et al. 1970-, 222)
Notes: cf. Tgr. ʔadungʷǝra, Tna. ʔadangʷǝra, Amh. adängʷare, Gaf. adängʷarä, S. Arg. adongure, Gur. adängʷarre id. Ibid., obviously Cushitisms
Number: 2567
Proto-Semitic: *ʔa-dangal- 1 ~ *dalgʷ-am- 2
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'beans; wild corn' 1, 'sorghum; porridge' 2
Geʕez (Ethiopian): dǝlgʷǝmmā 'porridge' (LGz., 131)
Amharic: dälgʷäm 'a variety of sorghum' (LGz., 131)
Number: 2568
Proto-Semitic: *ḥi/unṭ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: wheat, barley
Akkadian: uṭṭatu 'Getreide, Gerste, Korn' OAkk. on (AHw, 1446)
Ugaritic: ḥtt
Hebrew: ḥiṭṭā 'wheat' (HAL, 307)
Judaic Aramaic: ḥinṭǝtā 'wheat' (HAL, 307)
Syrian Aramaic: ḥeṭṭǝtā 'wheat' (HAL, 307)
Arabic: ḥinṭ-at-
Geʕez (Ethiopian): ḥǝṭṭ-ǝt-
Gurage: Cf. Gur. *anṭä 'to cut, reap cereals, harvest' (LGur., 76; derived by Leslau from Gur. arräṭä)
Jibbali: ḥiṭ 'food; beans; any cereal' (JJ, 119)
Soqotri: ḥinṭǝh 'wheat' (HAL, 307)
Number: 2569
Proto-Semitic: *kVb(b)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: wheat
Akkadian: kibtu 'wheat' OAkk. on (CAD k, 340)
Tigre: käbbä 'Getreidebrei' (LH, 411)
Number: 2570
Proto-Semitic: *laylay-an- ~ *yil-t-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'grain' 1, 'peas' 2
Akkadian: lillânu (lilliannu, lālânu) 'grain at its highest growth' SB (CAD l, 188; AHw, 553; <*laylay-an-, reduplicated, with -an suffixed?); iltu 'Häcksel'
Number: 2571
Proto-Semitic: *ʔa-šnVʔ/n-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: corn, wheat
Akkadian: ašnanu 'Korn, Getreide' OB on (AHw, 82; <*ʔa-šnan-, with prefixed ʔa-)
Mehri: mǝ-hnoy 'farm near a town' (JM, 159)
Jibbali: mǝ-šnuʔ 'garden on the mountain for dhura or beans', ešné 'to have a garden, field' (JJ, 263)
Soqotri: šáne 'semence, blé qui est sur les tiges', héne 'semer' (LS, 145)
Notes: Cf. Har. säñi, Sel. säñe, Wol. säññe, Zw. säñi 'seed, crop' (LGur., 555; very likely from Cu.)
Number: 2572
Proto-Semitic: *ŝxi/uʕ(V̄ʕ)-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'barley, ear of corn; k. of beans'
Akkadian: šeʔu 'barley, grain' (CAD b1, 345; this reading have been recently doubted by Huehnergard), šuʔu 'pulse, chickpea' Nuzi MA on (CAD š3, 416; AHw, 1294)
Hebrew: pB. šǝʕūʕīt 'a species of beans' (Ja., 1610)
Judaic Aramaic: šǝʕītā id. (Ibid. 1611)
Tigre: säʕaʕ 'oats' (LH, 194), sǝʕsǝʕa (redupl.) 'épeautre' (Ibid.)
Number: 2573
Proto-Semitic: *ŝxabar- 'grain'
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'grain'
Hebrew: šäbär 'grain', Sam. šabru, šabrimma id. (HAL, 1405-6)
Tigre: säbbära 'Lathyrus sativus' (LH, 183; with a meaning shift?)
Notes: Cf. Tna. šǝmbǝra, Amh. Arg. Har. šumbura, Gur šǝmbura 'chickpea' (LGur., 579; must be Cushitisms)
Number: 2574
Proto-Semitic: *tiʔin-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'fig-tree'
Akkadian: tittu, tiʔittu, pl. tīnātu 'Feige(nbaum)' lex., tiʔu 'Feige' SB (AHw, 1363)
Hebrew: tǝʔēnā 'fig, ficus Carica' (HAL, 1675)
Judaic Aramaic: tēnǝtā 'fig, ficus Carica' (HAL, 1675)
Syrian Aramaic: teʔttā, pl. tēʔnē 'fig, ficus Carica' (HAL, 1675)
Mandaic Aramaic: tina 'fig-tree' (DM, 486)
Arabic: tīn- (coll.) 'figue', tīnu-l-ʔafranǯi 'espèce de cactus' (BK 1, 213)
Harari: tīn, tīni 'fruit of cactus' (Leslau 1963, 150; acc. to Leslau, from Arb. tīn 'fig' of Aramaic origin; probably from Cu.)
Number: 2575
Proto-Semitic: *ka/inpa/ir-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: tip of the nose; lip
Arabic: kinfirat- 'tip of the nose' [Fraytag 4 65] (not in [BK])
Geʕez (Ethiopian): kanfar 'lip, language, brim, edge, hem' [LGz 287].

    Cf. kǝnfār, konfār 'hump, arm, front of leg of an animal' [LGz 287]), with a meaning shift 'the projecting part of the head' > 'the projecting parts of the body'?

Tigre: känfär, kämfär 'lip' [LH 418]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): känfär 'labbro' [Bass 608]
Amharic: känfär 'lip, brim' [K 1446]
Gurage: CHA EŽA ENN GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD känfär, END käfär 'lip' [LGur 345]
Notes: Only ARB and ETH supported, however, by AFRASIAN. Both meanings of the proto-form are easily compatible if refer to the tip of animal's muzzle/snout.

    There is little doubt that the ARB example is cognate of the ETH ones which therefore are not borrowed from CUSH (see comprehensive discussion in [LGz 287]).

    Note the meaning 'edge, brim' in ETH to compare with AKK kibru (kipru) 'edge, shore, bank' OA on [CAD k 334], [AHw 471]; though in both sources kibru is quoted as the basic form, it may rather be kipru (<*kinpVr-), if the comparison is valid. In this case one must assume either an homonymy of the two SEM terms, 'tip of the muzzle/snout; lip' and 'edge, brim ' or a derivation of the former from the latter implied by the AFRASIAN cognates.

    That the root is "expressive" may account for a series of variant roots in ARB (kunt_ur-, kant_arat- 'gland du pénis; mufle, bout du museau de l'âne [BK 2 933]; ḳanfar-, ḳunfūr- 'verge, pénis; orifice' [ibid. 825]) and MSA (MHR QISHN kǝrfī́f 'lip' [SSL 1 278], HRS kerōf 'to sniff' [JH 69], JIB kɛrféf 'face' [JJ 134] and metathetic ḳǝfrér 'lip' [SSL 1 279]).

    [LGz 287]: GEZ, ETH, ARB (comparison with AKK kipru and MSA kǝrfī́f etc. considered unlikely)

Number: 2576
Proto-Semitic: *taʔ-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'room'
Akkadian: tāʔu 'inner room' AHw 1340
Hebrew: taʔ 'room' KB 1015
Notes: Kogan Add. to HSED 2342
Number: 2577
Proto-Semitic: *ʔarw/y-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: edible plant
Hebrew: ʔōrōt (pl.) 'mallow, Malva rotundifolia (edible)' (KB 25); ʔōrōt (pl.) 'mallow, Malva rotundifolia (edible)' (KB 25)
Arabic: ʔary- 'manne, substance végétale qui s'épaissit sur les feuilles des arbres' (BK 1, 27)
Number: 2578
Proto-Semitic: *gar(i)d-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: back of neck
Arabic: ǧarad- 'dos' [BK 1 276], ʔaǧrad- 'dos' [ibid. 277] (with the ʔa- prefix).

    Note ǧrdḥ 'allonger le cou' [ibid.] with -ḥ hard to explain

Tigre: ǯärid '(muscles of the) neck' [LH 550].

    Though ǯ- is thought to signal an Arabism, probably an inherited term in view of a difference in meaning and vocalism

East Ethiopic: SEL gǝrdid 'nape of neck' [LGur 291]
Notes: Scarcely attested in ARB and MOD ETH only.

    Cf. *ḳard-, SED No. 166

Number: 2579
Proto-Semitic: *ŝaʔw-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: 'dung of a camel'
Arabic: šaʔwan BK 1 1180
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